Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Case of the Itching Underarm

I'm nearing the halfway point in my radiation treatments, and the irritation I was told to expect has begun to manifest itself. The sensation is something like what happens when a spot on your skin stays damp for an extended period of time - you start to chafe. The constant rubbing (due to the location of the tumor, under my arm), coupled with the effects of the radiation, causes an irritation near the top of my armpit, just about at the intersection of the underarm hair. This has led to a rash-like burning and itching. I guess this is what babies deal with when they have diaper rash, and I'm feeling a lot more sympathy for what the toddlers go through!

The treatment is straightforward and simple. I dust the affected area with cornstarch-based powder and use my favorite Body Shop Mango Body Butter. This keeps the area lubricated and absorbs excess moisture. I also have a prescription for Biafine, the standard radiation cream (topical emulsion, to be precise). I haven't ordered it yet, because the irritation really hasn't been too much of a bother to this point. I'll probably fill it next week, though, just to see if it works more effectively than Mango Body Butter, which does a pretty good job at relieving the itching.

I'll see my doctor (the radiation oncologist) tomorrow after treatment, which is the usual course of affairs for Wednesdays. At this juncture there's not that much to report. My energy is still very good, although the recent hot and muggy weather of the Memorial Day weekend found me wanting to just lay around inside. But all in all, things seem to be progressing smoothly, and every day brings me closer to the end of this phase of the journey and closer to the day I'll be rid of the big arm.

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